Config.json ============ The config.json file is where the configs of the tests are defined. These are the accepted config keys, and whether they are required or not: - **Url:** The URL that will run the tests. **Required** - **Browser:** Browser that will be used to run the tests. (Firefox or Chrome) **Required** - **Environment:** Environment used to run the tests. **Required** - **User:** User that will be logged into the environment. **Required** - **Password:** Password to log on to the environment. **Required** - **Language:** Language to be considered in execution. - **DebugLog:** Defines whether the run log will be displayed during tests. - **TimeOut:** Time set to expire the test if it is reached. - **SkipEnvironment** Skips the module selection screen, if your Protheus configuration does not have it. - **Headless:** Defines whether the test will run with or without interface. - **ScreenshotFolder**: A folder to contain all screenshots taken by the user with the Screenshot method. - **NewLog**: (boolean) true to activate the new log. - **MotExec**: Execution tag. Example: "MotExec":"HOMOLOG_TIR" - **ExecId**: Execution id. Example: "ExecId":"20201119" - **LogUrl1**: service url. Example: "LogUrl1":"" - **CheckValue**: Indicates if TIR must check each value after fill. Example: "CheckValue": true - **ChromeDriverAutoInstall**: For chromedriver auto install. Example: "ChromeDriverAutoInstall": true - **SSLChromeInstallDisable**: In some cases will be necessary deactivate ssl to download chromedriver automatically. Example: "SSLChromeInstallDisable": true - **ScreenShot:** If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. - **Country:** Defines which country will be set as main. Example: pt-br - **NumExec:** Returns Status, URL and ID for execution. - **MotExec:** Checks the main content of MotExec key. - **LogFolder:** Used for determinate the local you want save the log. Example "LogFolder": "C:\\TIR\\Log - **LogFile:** Create a log csv file. - **ParameterMenu:** Internal method of SetParameters and RestoreParameters. - **UserCfg:** Fills the user login screen of Protheus with the user and password located on config.json - **PasswordCfg:** Fills the user login screen of Protheus with the user and password located on config.json - **BinPath:** Fix firefox options and chromeoptions. Remove obsolete drivers. - **CSVPath:** This method return data as a string if necessary use some method to convert data like int(). Example: CSVPath : "C:\\temp" - **DBDriver:** ODBC Driver database name - **DBServer:** Database Server Name - **DBPort:** Database port default port=1521 - **DBName:** Database Name - **DBUser:** User Database Name - **DBPassword:** Database password - **DBQOracleServer:** Only for Oracle: DBQ format:Host:Port/oracle instance - **URL_TSS:** Used for TSS only. - **StartProgram:** Opens the browser maximized and goes to defined URL - **LogUrl2:** Add default server address and save response log. - **ParameterUrl:** Filter the correct value to fill - **LogHttp:** Add folder to save log by loghttp structure - **BaseLine_Spool:** Baseline_Spool is the path of report spool in your environment - **POUI:** For POUI interfaces. - **POUILogin**: For new POUI login protheus interface. Example: "POUILogin": true - **LogInfoConfig:** Add set_log_info alternative - **Release:** Get the current Release. - **TopDataBase:** Get the current Data Base. - **Lib:** Get the current Lib. - **Build:** Get the current Lib. - **Data Delimiter:** Used when you have a dot in the date instead of a slash.