- class tir.technologies.core.base.Base(config_path='', autostart=True)
Base class for any technology to implement Selenium Interface Tests.
This class instantiates the browser, reads the config file and prepares the log.
If no config_path is passed, it will read the config.json file that exists in the same folder as the file that would execute this module.
- Parameters:
config_path (str) – The path to the config file. - Default: “” (empty string)
autostart – Sets whether TIR should open browser and execute from the start. - Default: True
- Type:
The Base class must be inherited by every internal class of each technology that would exist in this module.
The classes must be declared under pwa/technologies/ folder.
>>> def WebappInternal(Base): >>> def APWInternal(Base):
- AssertFalse(expected, message)
Defines that the test case expects a False response to pass
>>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.AssertFalse()
- AssertTrue(expected, message)
Defines that the test case expects a True response to pass
>>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.AssertTrue()
- SetTIRConfig(config_name, value)
Changes a value of a TIR internal config during runtime.
This could be useful for TestCases that must use a different set of configs than the ones defined at config.json
Available configs:
Url - str
Environment - str
User - str
Password - str
Language - str
DebugLog - str
TimeOut - int
InitialProgram - str
Routine - str
Date - str
Group - str
Branch - str
Module - str
- Parameters:
config_name (str) – The config to be changed.
value (str) – The value that would be set.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.SetTIRConfig(config_name="date", value="30/10/2018")
- Start()
Opens the browser maximized and goes to defined URL.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.Start()
- TearDown()
Closes the webdriver and ends the test case.
>>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.TearDown()
- assert_result(expected, script_message='')
Asserts the result based on the expected value.
- Parameters:
expected (bool) – Expected value
Usage :
>>> #Calling the method: >>> self.assert_result(True)
- click(element, click_type=ClickType.JS, right_click=False)
Clicks on the Selenium element.
Supports three types of clicking: JavaScript, pure Selenium and Selenium’s ActionChains.
Default is JavaScript clicking.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
click_type (enum.ClickType) – ClickType enum. - Default: enum.ClickType.JS
right_click – Clicks with the right button of the mouse in the last element of the tree.
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>>, click_type=enum.ClickType.JS)
- collect_zindex(reverse=True)
returns z-index list in decrescent order by default or in crescent order if reverse is False.
- compare_field_values(field, user_value, captured_value, message)
Validates and stores field in the self.errors array if the values are different.
- Parameters:
field (str) – Field name
user_value (str) – User input value
captured_value (str) – Interface captured value
message (str) – Error message if comparison fails
>>> #Calling the method >>> self.compare_field_values("A1_NOME", "JOÃO", "JOOÃ", "Field A1_NOME has different values")
- double_click(element, click_type=ClickType.SELENIUM)
Clicks two times on the Selenium element.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.double_click(element())
- element_exists(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.TEXT, position=0, optional_term='', main_container='.tmodaldialog,.ui-dialog')
Returns a boolean if element exists on the screen.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first term to use on a search of element
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType) – Type of element search. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 0
optional_term (str) – Second term to use on a search of element. Used in MIXED search. - Default: “” (empty string)
- Returns:
True if element is present. False if element is not present.
- Return type:
>>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".ui-dialog", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".tmodaldialog.twidget", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR, position=initial_layer+1) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=text, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".tsay")
- element_name(element_soup)
- execution_flow()
Method that is responsible to control log flow in an execution
- Returns:
- filter_active_iframe(iframes)
- Parameters:
iframes –
:type List :return:
- filter_displayed_elements(elements, reverse=False, twebview=False)
Receives a BeautifulSoup element list and filters only the displayed elements.
- Parameters:
elements (List of BeautifulSoup objects) – BeautifulSoup element list
reverse (bool) – Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - Default: False
- Returns:
List of filtered BeautifulSoup elements
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup objects
>>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.filter_displayed_elements(elements, True)
- find_first_div_parent(element)
Finds first div parent element of another BeautifulSoup element.
If element is already a div, it will return the element.
- Parameters:
element (BeautifulSoup object) – BeautifulSoup element
- Returns:
The first div parent of the element
- Return type:
BeautifulSoup object
>>> parent_element = self.find_first_div_parent(my_element)
- find_first_wa_panel_parent(element)
Finds first div parent element of another BeautifulSoup element.
If element is already a div, it will return the element.
- Parameters:
element (BeautifulSoup object) – BeautifulSoup element
- Returns:
The first div parent of the element
- Return type:
BeautifulSoup object
>>> parent_element = self.find_first_div_parent(my_element)
- find_label_element(label_text, container)
Find input element next to label containing the label_text parameter.
- Parameters:
label_text (str) – The label text to be searched
container (BeautifulSoup object) – The main container object to be used
- Returns:
A list containing a BeautifulSoup object next to the label
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup objects
>>> self.find_label_element("User:", container_object)
- finish_testcase()
Method that is responsable to finish testcase and send the log and execution time of testcase.
- Returns:
- get_current_DOM(twebview=False)
Returns current HTML DOM parsed as a BeautifulSoup object
- Returns:
BeautifulSoup parsed DOM
- Return type:
BeautifulSoup object
>>> #Calling the method >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM()
- get_element_text(element)
Gets element text.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
- Returns:
Element text
- Return type:
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_text(element())
- get_element_value(element)
Gets element value.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
- Returns:
Element value
- Return type:
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_value(element())
- log_error(message, new_log_line=True)
Finishes execution of test case with an error and creates the log information for that test.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message to be logged
new_log_line (bool) – Boolean value if Message should be logged as new line or not. - Default: True
>>> #Calling the method: >>> self.log_error("Element was not found")
- move_to_element(element)
Move focus to element on the screen.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
>>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element())
- normalize_config_name(config_name)
Normalizes the config name string to respect the config object naming convention.
- Parameters:
config_name (str) – The config name string to be normalized.
- Returns:
The config name string normalized.
- Return type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> normalized_name = self.normalize_config_name("InitialProgram") # "initial_program"
- return_combo_index(combo, option)
- Parameters:
combo –
option –
- Returns:
- return_combo_object(element, shadow_root=True, locator=False)
- return_iframe(selector)
- return_last_zindex()
returns the last z-index value in the page.
- return_selected_combo_value(element)
” [Internal]
- scroll_into_view(element)
Scroll to element on the screen.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
>>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element())
- scroll_to_element(element)
Scroll to element on the screen.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
>>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element())
- search_stack(function)
Returns True if passed function is present in the call stack.
- Parameters:
function (str) – Name of the function
- Returns:
Boolean if passed function is present or not in the call stack.
- Return type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> is_present = self.search_stack("MATA020")
- search_zindex(element)
Returns zindex value of Beautifulget_so object.
Internal function created to be used inside lambda of zindex_sort method.
Only works if element has Style attribute.
- Parameters:
element (BeautifulSoup object) – BeautifulSoup element
- Returns:
z-index value
- Return type:
>>> #Line extracted from zindex_sort method: >>> elements.sort(key=lambda x: self.search_zindex(x), reverse=reverse)
- select_combo(element, option, index=False, shadow_root=True, locator=False)
Selects the option on the combobox.
- Parameters:
element (Beautiful Soup object) – Combobox element
option (str) – Option to be selected
index (bool) – True if option is an integer value
shadow_root (bool) – Internal control for shadow root objects
locator (bool) – bool value for locator True or False
>>> #Calling the method: >>> self.select_combo(element, "Chosen option")
- send_keys(element, arg)
Clicks two times on the Selenium element.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
arg (str or selenium.webdriver.common.keys) – Text or Keys to be sent to the element
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method with a string >>> self.send_keys(element(), "Text") >>> #Calling the method with a Key >>> self.send_keys(element(), Keys.ENTER)
- set_element_focus(element)
Sets focus on element.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – Selenium element
>>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.set_element_focus(element())
- soup_to_selenium(soup_object=None, twebview=False)
An abstraction of the Selenium call to simplify the conversion of elements.
- Parameters:
soup_object (BeautifulSoup object) – The BeautifulSoup object to be converted.
- Returns:
The object converted to a Selenium object.
- Return type:
Selenium object
>>> # Calling the method: >>> selenium_obj = lambda: self.soup_to_selenium(bs_obj)
- start_testcase()
Method that starts testcase time and testcase info.
- Returns:
- switch_to_iframe()
[Internal] :return:
- take_screenshot(filename)
Takes a screenshot and saves on the screenshot folder defined in config.
- Parameters:
filename – The name of the screenshot file.
- Type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.take_screenshot(filename="myscreenshot")
- web_scrap(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.TEXT, optional_term=None, label=False, main_container=None)
Returns a BeautifulSoup object list based on the search parameters.
Does not support ScrapType.XPATH as scrap_type parameter value.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first search term. A text or a selector
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType.) – The type of webscraping. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
optional_term (str) – The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - Default: None
label (bool) – If the search is based on a label near the element. - Default: False
main_container (str) – The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - Default: None
- Returns:
List of BeautifulSoup4 elements based on search parameters.
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup4 objects
>>> #All buttons >>> buttons = self.web_scrap(term="button", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements that contain the text "Example" >>> example_elements = self.web_scrap(term="Example") >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements with class "my_class" and text "my_text" >>> elements = self.web_scrap(term="my_text", scrap_type=ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".my_class")
- webapp_shadowroot(shadow_root=True)
- zindex_sort(elements, reverse=False, active_tab=True)
Sorts list of BeautifulSoup elements based on z-index style attribute.
Only works if elements have Style attribute.
- Parameters:
elements (List of BeautifulSoup objects) – BeautifulSoup element list
reverse (bool) – Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - Default: False
- Returns:
List of sorted BeautifulSoup elements based on zindex.
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup objects
>>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.zindex_sort(elements, True)