Poui Internal
- class tir.technologies.poui_internal.PouiInternal(config_path='', autostart=True)
Internal implementation of POUI class.
This class contains all the methods defined to run Selenium Interface Tests on POUI.
Internal methods should have the [Internal] tag and should not be accessible to the user.
- Parameters:
config_path (str) – The path to the config file. - Default: “” (empty string)
autostart – Sets whether TIR should open browser and execute from the start. - Default: True
- Type:
>>> # Inside __init__ method in Webapp class of main.py >>> def __init__(self, config_path="", autostart=True): >>> self.__webapp = PouiInternal(config_path, autostart)
- ChangeEnvironment(date='', group='', branch='', module='')
Clicks on the change environment area of Protheus Webapp and fills the environment screen.
- Parameters:
date (str) – The date to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “” (empty string)
group (str) – The group to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “” (empty string)
branch (str) – The branch to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “” (empty string)
module (str) – The module to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “” (empty string)
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.ChangeEnvironment(date="13/11/2018", group="T1", branch="D MG 01 ")
- ChangeUser(user, password, initial_program='', date='', group='', branch='')
Change the user then init protheus on home page.
- Parameters:
initial_program (str) – The initial program to load. - Default: “” (previous initial_program)
date (str) – The date to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “” (previous date)
group (str) – The group to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “previous date group”
branch (str) – The branch to fill on the environment screen. - Default: “previous branch”
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.ChangeUser("userTest", "a", "SIGAFAT", "18/08/2018", "T1", "D MG 01 ") >>> #------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.ChangeUser(user="user08", password="8" ) >>> #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CheckResult(field, user_value, po_component, position)
Checks if a field has the value the user expects.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field or label of a field that must be checked.
user_value (str) – The value that the field is expected to contain.
po_component (str) – POUI component name that you want to check content on screen
>>> # Calling method to check a value of a field: >>> oHelper.CheckResult("Código", "000001", 'po-input')
- ClickMenu(menu_item)
Clicks on the menuitem of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-menu?view=doc
- Parameters:
menu_item – The Menu item name
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickMenu("Contracts")
- ClickTable(first_column, second_column, first_content, second_content, table_number, itens, click_cell, checkbox)
Clicks on the Table of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-table
- Parameters:
first_column (str) – Column name to be used as reference.
second_column (str) – Column name to be used as reference.
first_content (str) – Content of the column to be searched.
second_content (str) – Content of the column to be searched.
table_number (int) – Which grid should be used when there are multiple grids on the same screen. - Default: 1
itens (bool) – Bool parameter that click in all itens based in the field and content reference.
click_cell (str) – Content to click based on a column position to close the axis
checkbox (bool) – If you want to click on the checkbox component in the table
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickTable(first_column='Código', first_content='000003', click_cell='Editar') :return: None
- ClickWidget(title, action, position)
Clicks on the Widget or Widget action of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-widget
- Parameters:
tittle – Widget text title that you want to click.
action – The name of action to be clicked
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickWidget(title='LEad Time SC x PC', action='Detalhes', position=1) :return:
- Finish()
Exit the protheus Webapp.
>>> # Calling the method. >>> oHelper.Finish()
- GetText(string_left='', string_right='')
This method returns a string from modal based on the string in the left or right position that you send on parameter.
If the string_left was filled then the right side content is return.
If the string_right was filled then the left side content is return.
If no parameter was filled so the full content is return.
- Parameters:
string_left (str) – String of the left side of content.
string_right (str) – String of the right side of content.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.GetText(string_left="Left Text", string_right="Right Text") >>> oHelper.GetText(string_left="Left Text") >>> oHelper.GetText()
- GetValue(field, grid=False, line=1, grid_number=1, grid_memo_field=False)
Gets the current value or text of element.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field or label of a field that must be checked.
grid (bool) – Boolean if this is a grid field or not. - Default: False
line (int) – Grid line that contains the column field to be checked.- Default: 1
grid_number (int) – Grid number of which grid should be checked when there are multiple grids on the same screen. - Default: 1
grid_memo_field (bool) – Boolean if this is a memo grid field. - Default: False
>>> # Calling the method: >>> current_value = oHelper.GetValue("A1_COD")
- InputValue(field, value, position)
Filling input component of POUI https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-input
- Parameters:
field (str) – Input text title that you want to fill
value (str) – Value that fill in input
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.InputValue('Name', 'Test') :return: None
- LengthGridLines(grid)
Returns the length of the grid. :return:
- LogOff()
Logs out of the Protheus Webapp.
>>> # Calling the method. >>> oHelper.LogOff()
- POSearch(content, placeholder)
Fill the POUI Search component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-page-dynamic-search
- Parameters:
content (str) – Content to be Search.
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.POSearch(content='Content to be Search') :return: None
- POTabs(label)
Clicks on a Label in po-tab. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-tabs
- Parameters:
label (str) – The tab label name
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.POTabs(label='Test') :return: None
- SetValue(field, value, grid=False, grid_number=1, ignore_case=True, row=None, name_attr=False, position=1, check_value=None, grid_memo_field=False, range_multiplier=None, direction=None)
Sets value of an input element.
Attention on the grid use the field mask.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field name or label to receive the value
value (str or bool) – The value to be inputted on the element.
grid (bool) – Boolean if this is a grid field or not. - Default: False
grid_number (int) – Grid number of which grid should be inputted when there are multiple grids on the same screen. - Default: 1
ignore_case (bool) – Boolean if case should be ignored or not. - Default: True
check_value – Boolean ignore input check - Default: True
row (int) – Row number that will be filled
name_attr (bool) – Boolean if search by Name attribute must be forced. - Default: False
grid_memo_field (bool) – Boolean if this is a memo grid field. - Default: False
range_multiplier (int) – Integer value that refers to the distance of the label from the input object. The safe value must be between 1 to 10.
direction (str) – Desired direction to search for the element from a label, currently accepts right and down.
>>> # Calling method to input value on a field: >>> oHelper.SetValue("A1_COD", "000001") >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to input value on a field from a label text and looking an input field for a specific direction: >>> oHelper.SetValue("Codigo", "000001", direction='right') >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to input value on a field that is a grid: >>> oHelper.SetValue("Client", "000001", grid=True) >>> oHelper.LoadGrid() >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to checkbox value on a field that is a grid: >>> oHelper.SetValue('Confirmado?', True, grid=True) >>> oHelper.LoadGrid() >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to checkbox value on a field that isn't a grid: >>> oHelper.SetValue('', True, name_attr=True, position=1) >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to input value on a field that is on the second grid of the screen: >>> oHelper.SetValue("Order", "000001", grid=True, grid_number=2) >>> oHelper.LoadGrid() >>> #----------------------------------------- >>> # Calling method to input value on a field that is a grid *Will not attempt to verify the entered value. Run only once.* : >>> oHelper.SetValue("Order", "000001", grid=True, grid_number=2, check_value = False) >>> oHelper.LoadGrid()
- TearDown()
Closes the webdriver and ends the test case.
>>> #Calling the method >>> self.TearDown()
- WaitHide(string, timeout=None, throw_error=True)
Search string that was sent and wait hide the element.
- Parameters:
string (str) – String that will hold the wait.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.WaitHide("Processing")
- WaitProcessing(itens, timeout=None)
Uses WaitShow and WaitHide to Wait a Processing screen
- Parameters:
itens (str) – List of itens that will hold the wait.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.WaitProcessing("Processing")
- WaitShow(string, timeout=None, throw_error=True)
Search string that was sent and wait show the elements.
- Parameters:
string (str) – String that will hold the wait.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.WaitShow("Processing")
- assert_result(expected, script_message)
Asserts the result based on the expected value.
- Parameters:
expected (bool) – Expected value
Usage :
>>> #Calling the method: >>> self.assert_result(True)
- change_environment_element_home_screen()
This method wait the element to perform ChangeEnvirionmentm return a soup element.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.change_environment_element_home_screen()
- check_element_tooltip(element, expected_text, contains=False)
Internal method of ClickIcon.
Fires the MouseOver event of an element, checks tooltip text, fires the MouseOut event and returns a boolean whether the tooltip has the expected text value or not.
- Parameters:
element (BeautifulSoup object) – The target element object.
expected_text (str) – The text that is expected to exist in button’s tooltip.
- Returns:
Boolean value whether element has tooltip text or not.
- Return type:
>>> # Call the method: >>> has_add_text = self.check_element_tooltip(button_object, "Add")
- check_file(base_file='', current_file='')
- Parameters:
base_file –
current_file –
- Returns:
- check_mot_exec()
Check MotExec key content
- Returns:
- children_element_count(element_selector, children_selector)
Returns the count of elements of a certain CSS Selector that exists within a certain element located also via CSS Selector.
- Parameters:
element_selector (str) – The selector to find the first element.
children_selector (str) – The selector to find the children elements inside of the first element.
- Returns:
The count of elements matching the children_selector inside of element_selector.
- Return type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.children_element_count(".tmenu", ".tmenuitem")
- click_avatar(position)
Click on the POUI Profile Avatar icon. https://po-ui.io/guides/Avatar
- Parameters:
position (int) –
Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickAvatar(position=1) >>> oHelper.ClickAvatar()
- click_button(button, position, selector, container)
- Parameters:
field – Button to be clicked.
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
- click_button_finish(click_counter=None)
This method is reponsible to click on button finish
- click_button_logoff(click_counter=None)
This method is reponsible to click on button finish
- click_checkbox(label)
Click on the POUI Checkbox. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-checkbox
- Parameters:
label (str) –
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickCheckBox(label="CheckBox label")
- click_combo(field, value, position)
Select a value for list combo inputs.
- Parameters:
field – label of field
:type : str :param value: value to input on field :type : str :param position: :type : int :return:
- click_icon(label, class_name, position)
Click on the POUI Icon by label, class_name or both. https://po-ui.io/guides/icons
- Parameters:
label (str) – The tooltip name for icon
class_name (str) – The POUI class name for icon
position (int) –
- Returns:
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(label='Delete') >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(class_name='po-icon po-icon-delete') >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(label='Delete', class_name='po-icon po-icon-delete')
- click_po_list_box(value)
- Parameters:
value – Value to select on po-list-box
:type str :return:
- click_popup(label)
Click on the POUI Profile Avatar icon. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-popup
- Parameters:
label (str) –
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickPopup(label="Popup Item") >>> oHelper.ClickPopup()
- click_poui_component(field, value, position, selector, container)
- Parameters:
field – Combo text title that you want to click.
value – Value that you want to select in Combo.
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
- close_coin_screen()
Closes the coin screen.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.close_coin_screen()
- close_coin_screen_after_routine()
[internal] This method is responsible for closing the “coin screen” that opens after searching for the routine
- close_modal()
This method closes the modal in the opening screen.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.close_modal()
- close_resolution_screen()
Closes the Alert of resolution screen.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.close_resolution_screen()
- close_warning_screen()
[Internal] Closes the warning screen.
Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> self.close_warning_screen()
- close_warning_screen_after_routine()
[internal] This method is responsible for closing the “warning screen” that opens after searching for the routine
- containers_filter(containers)
[Internal] Filter and remove tsvg class an return a container_filtered
>>> #Calling the method >>> containers = self.containers_filter(containers)
- coverage()
- create_auto_file(file='')
- Parameters:
file –
- Returns:
- create_message(args, message_type=MessageType.CORRECT)
Returns default messages used all throughout the class based on input parameters.
Each message type has a different number of placeholders to be passed as a list through args parameter:
Correct Message = “{} Value of field {} is correct!” - 2 placeholders
Incorrect Message = “{} Value expected for field “{}” ({}) is not equal to what was found ({}).” - 3 placeholders
Disabled Message = “{} Field “{}” is disabled.” - 2 placeholders
AssertError Message = “Failed: Value expected for field {}: “{}” is different from what was found “{}”.” - 2 placeholders
- Parameters:
args (List of str) – A list of strings to be replaced in each message.
message_type (enum.MessageType) – Enum of which message type should be created. - Default: enum.MessageType.Correct
>>> # Calling the method: >>> message = self.create_message([txtaux, field, user_value, captured_value], enum.MessageType.INCORRECT)
- driver_refresh()
Refresh the driver.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.driver_refresh()
- element_exists(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.TEXT, position=0, optional_term='', main_container='.body', check_error=True, twebview=True)
Returns a boolean if element exists on the screen.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first term to use on a search of element
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType) – Type of element search. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 0
optional_term (str) – Second term to use on a search of element. Used in MIXED search. - Default: “” (empty string)
- Returns:
True if element is present. False if element is not present.
- Return type:
>>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".ui-dialog", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".tmodaldialog.twidget", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR, position=initial_layer+1) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=text, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".tsay")
- element_is_displayed(element)
- environment_screen(change_env=False)
Fills the environment screen of Protheus with the values passed on the Setup method. Used to fill the fields triggered by the ChangeEnvironment method as well.
- Parameters:
change_env (bool) – Boolean if the method is being called by ChangeEnvironment. - Default: False
>>> # Calling the method >>> self.environment_screen()
- filter_by_direction(xy_label, width_safe, height_safe, position_list, direction)
- filter_by_tooltip_value(element_list, expected_text)
Filters elements by finding the tooltip value that is shown when mouseover event is triggered.
- Parameters:
element_list (Beautiful Soup object list) – The list to be filtered
expected_text (str) – The expected tooltip text.
- Returns:
The filtered list of elements.
- Return type:
Beautiful Soup object list
>>> # Calling the method: >>> filtered_elements = self.filter_by_tooltip_value(my_element_list, "Edit")
- filter_dataframe(df, column, value)
- filter_is_displayed(elements)
[Internal] Returns only displayed elements.
>>> #Calling the method >>> elements = self.filter_is_displayed(elements)
- filter_label_element(label_text, container)
[Internal] Filter and remove a specified character with regex, return only displayed elements if > 1.
>>> #Calling the method >>> elements = self.filter_label_element(label_text, container)
- find_label_element(label_text, container=None, position=1, input_field=True, direction=None)
Find input element next to label containing the label_text parameter.
- Parameters:
label_text (str) – The label text to be searched
container (BeautifulSoup object) – The main container object to be used
- Returns:
A list containing a BeautifulSoup object next to the label
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup objects
>>> self.find_label_element("User:", container_object)
- get_config_value(json_key)
- Parameters:
json_key (str) – Json Key in config.json
- Returns:
Json Key item in config.json
- get_distance(label_pos, element_pos)
- get_distance_x(x_label, x_element)
- get_distance_y(y_label, y_element)
- get_element_size(id)
Internal Return Height/Width
- get_field(field, name_attr=False, position=1, input_field=True, direction=None)
This method decides if field would be found by either it’s name or by it’s label. Internal method of input_value and CheckResult.
- Parameters:
field (str) – Field name or field label to be searched
name_attr (bool) – Boolean if search by Name attribute must be forced. - Default: False
- Returns:
Field element
- Return type:
Beautiful Soup object
>>> # Calling the method: >>> element1 = self.get_field("A1_COD") >>> element2 = self.get_field("Product")
- get_function_from_stack()
Gets the function name that called the Webapp class from the call stack.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.get_function_from_stack()
- get_grid_content(grid_number, grid_element)
- Parameters:
grid_number –
grid_element –
- Returns:
- get_language()
Gets the current language of the html.
- Returns:
The current language of the html.
- Return type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> language = self.get_language()
- get_position_from_bs_element(element)
- get_program_name()
- get_release()
Gets the current release of the Protheus.
- Returns:
The current release of the Protheus.
- Type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.get_release() >>> # Conditional with method: >>> # Situation: Have a input that only appears in release greater than or equal to 12.1.023 >>> if self.oHelper.get_release() >= '12.1.023': >>> self.oHelper.SetValue('AK1_CODIGO', 'codigoCT001')
- get_selected_row(rows)
From a list of rows, filter the selected one.
- Parameters:
rows (List of Beautiful Soup objects) – List of rows.
- Returns:
The selected row.
- Return type:
Beautiful Soup object.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> selected_row = self.get_selected_row(rows)
- get_text(string_left, string_right)
- Parameters:
string –
- Returns:
- get_text_position(text='', string_left='', string_right='')
- Parameters:
string_left –
srting_right –
- Returns:
- get_web_value(element)
Gets the current value or text of element.
- Parameters:
element (Selenium object) – The element to get value or text from
- Returns:
The value or text of passed element
- Return type:
>>> # Calling the method: >>> current_value = self.get_web_value(selenium_field_element)
- log_error(message, new_log_line=True, skip_restart=False)
Finishes execution of test case with an error and creates the log information for that test.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message to be logged
new_log_line (bool) – Boolean value if Message should be logged as new line or not. - Default: True
>>> #Calling the method: >>> self.log_error("Element was not found")
- log_result(field, user_value, captured_value)
Logs the result of comparison between user value and captured value.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field whose values would be compared
user_value (str) – The value the user expects
captured_value (str) – The value that was captured on the screen
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.log_result("A1_COD", "000001", "000001")
- open_csv(csv_file, delimiter, column, header, filter_column, filter_value)
Returns a dictionary when the file has a header in another way returns a list The folder must be entered in the CSVPath parameter in the config.json. Ex:
This method return data as a string if necessary use some method to convert data like int().
>>> config.json >>> CSVPath : 'C:\temp'
- Parameters:
csv_file (str) – .csv file name
delimiter (str) – Delimiter option such like ‘;’ or ‘,’ or ‘|’
column (str) – To files with Header is possible return only a column by header name or Int value for no header files
header (bool) – Indicate with the file contains a Header or not default is Header None
filter_column (str or int) – Is possible to filter a specific value by column and value content, if value is int starts with number 1
filter_value (str) – Value used in pair with filter_column parameter
>>> # Call the method: >>> file_csv = test_helper.OpenCSV(delimiter=";", csv_file="no_header.csv")
>>> file_csv_no_header_column = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(column=0, delimiter=";", csv_file="no_header_column.csv")
>>> file_csv_column = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(column='CAMPO', delimiter=";", csv_file="header_column.csv", header=True)
>>> file_csv_pipe = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter="|", csv_file="pipe_no_header.csv")
>>> file_csv_header = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter=";", csv_file="header.csv", header=True)
>>> file_csv_header_column = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter=";", csv_file="header.csv", header=True)
>>> file_csv_header_pipe = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter="|", csv_file="pipe_header.csv", header=True)
>>> file_csv_header_filter = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter=";", csv_file="header.csv", header=True, filter_column='CAMPO', filter_value='A00_FILIAL')
>>> file_csv _no_header_filter = self.oHelper.OpenCSV(delimiter=";", csv_file="no_header.csv", filter_column=0, filter_value='A00_FILIAL')
- open_input_combo(po_combo)
- Parameters:
po_combo – po-combo object
- Type:
Bs4 object
- Returns:
- open_url_coverage(url='', initial_program='', environment='')
[Internal] Open a webapp url with line parameters :param url: server url. :type url: str :param initial_program: program name. :type initial_program: str :param environment: environment server. :type environment: str Usage: >>> # Call the method: >>> self.open_url_coverage(url=self.config.url, initial_program=initial_program, environment=self.config.environment)
- po_loading(selector)
- Returns:
- pop_dict_itens(dict_, element_id)
- program_screen(initial_program='', environment='', coverage=False)
Fills the first screen of Protheus with the first program to run and the environment to connect.
- Parameters:
initial_program (str) – The initial program to load
environment (str) – The environment to connect
>>> # Calling the method >>> self.program_screen("SIGAADV", "MYENVIRONMENT")
- reload_user_screen()
Refresh the page - retry load user_screen
- report_comparison(base_file='', current_file='')
Compare two reports files and if exists show the difference between then if exists.
Important to use BaseLine_Spool key in config.json to work appropriately. Baseline_Spool is the path of report spool in yout environment
Some words are changed to this pattern below:
‘Emissão: 01-01-2015’ ‘Emision: 01-01-2015’ ‘DT.Ref.: 01-01-2015’ ‘Fc.Ref.: 01-01-2015’ ‘Hora…: 00:00:00’ ‘Hora Término: 00:00:00’ ‘/’ to ‘@’
Only .xml
‘encoding=””’ ‘“DateTime”>2015-01-01T00:00:00’ ‘ss:Width=”100”’
- Parameters:
base_file – Base file that reflects the expected. If doesn’t exist make a copy of auto and then rename to base
current_file – Current file recently impressed, this file is use to generate file_auto automatically.
>>> # File example: >>> # acda080rbase.##r >>> # acda080rauto.##r >>> # Calling the method: >>> self.oHelper.ReportComparison(base_file="acda080rbase.##r", current_file="acda080rauto.##r") :return:
- restart()
Restarts the Protheus Webapp and fills the initial screens.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.restart()
- return_data(df, has_header, column)
- return_icon_class(class_name, elements)
- Parameters:
class_name (str) – The POUI class name for icon
elements (object) – bs4 element
- Returns:
filtered bs4 object
- return_input_element(field=None, position=1, term=None)
[Internal] Returns input element based on field
- return_main_element(field, position, selector, container)
- Returns:
- returns_printable_string(string)
Returns a string only is printable characters [Internal] :param string: string value :type string: str
- search_element_position(field, position=1, input_field=True, direction=None)
[Internal] Usage: >>> # Calling the method >>> self.search_element_position(field)
- search_for_errors(check_help=True)
[Internal] Searches for errors and alerts in the screen. Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> self.search_for_errors()
- search_text(selector, text)
[Internal] Return a element based on text and selector.
>>> #Calling the method >>> element = self.search_text(selector, text)
- service_process_bat_file()
[Internal] This method creates a batfile in the root path to kill the process and its children.
- set_log_info()
[Internal] Fills the log information needed by opening the About page.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.set_log_info()
- sub_string(line, file_extension)
- Parameters:
line –
file_extension –
- Returns:
- switch_to_active_element()
[Internal] Call switch_to_active_element method
- try_click(element)
- try_send_keys(element_function, key, try_counter=0)
Tries to send value to element using different techniques. Meant to be used inside of a loop.
- Parameters:
element_function (function object) – The function that returns the element that would receive the value.
key (str or selenium.webdriver.common.keys) – The value that would be sent to the element.
try_counter (int) – This counter will decide which technique should be used. - Default: 0
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.try_send_keys(selenium_input, user_value, try_counter)
- user_screen(admin_user=False)
Fills the user login screen of Protheus with the user and password located on config.json.
>>> # Calling the method >>> self.user_screen()
- wait_element(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR, presence=True, position=0, optional_term=None, main_container='body', check_error=True)
Waits until the desired element is located on the screen.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first search term. A text or a selector.
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType.) – The type of webscraping. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
presence (bool) – If the element should exist or not in the screen. - Default: False
position (int) – If the element should exist at a specific position. e.g. The fourth button. - Default: 0
optional_term (str) – The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - Default: None
main_container (str) – The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - Default: None
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.wait_element(term=".ui-button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close[title='Close']", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR)
- wait_element_is_blocked(parent_id)
- Parameters:
parent_id –
- Returns:
- wait_element_is_focused(element_selenium=None, time_out=5, step=0.1)
[ Internal ] Wait element Lose focus
- wait_element_is_not_displayed(element_soup, timeout=5, step=0.3)
Wait element.is_displayed() return false :param element_soup: The element soup. :type element_soup: BeautifulSoup object. :param timeout: The maximum amount of time of wait. - Default: 5.0 :type timeout: float :param step: The amount of time each step should wait. - Default: 0.1 :type step: float
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.wait_element_is_not_displayed(soup_element, 10, 0.5)
- wait_element_is_not_focused(element_selenium=None, time_out=5, step=0.1)
[ Internal ] Wait element Lose focus
- wait_element_timeout(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.TEXT, timeout=5.0, step=0.1, presence=True, position=0, optional_term=None, main_container='.tmodaldialog,.ui-dialog, body', check_error=True)
Waits until the desired element is located on the screen or until the timeout is met.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first search term. A text or a selector.
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType.) – The type of webscraping. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
timeout (float) – The maximum amount of time of wait. - Default: 5.0
timeout – The amount of time each step should wait. - Default: 0.1
presence (bool) – If the element should exist or not in the screen. - Default: False
position (int) – If the element should exist at a specific position. e.g. The fourth button. - Default: 0
optional_term (str) – The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - Default: None
main_container (str) – The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - Default: None
>>> # Calling the method: >>> self.wait_element_timeout(term=button, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term="button", timeout=10, step=0.1)
- wait_until_to(expected_condition='element_to_be_clickable', element=None, locator=None, timeout=False)
This method is responsible for encapsulating “wait.until”.
- web_scrap(term, scrap_type=ScrapType.TEXT, optional_term=None, label=False, main_container=None, check_error=True, check_help=True, input_field=True, direction=None, position=1, twebview=False)
Returns a BeautifulSoup object list based on the search parameters.
Does not support ScrapType.XPATH as scrap_type parameter value.
- Parameters:
term (str) – The first search term. A text or a selector
scrap_type (enum.ScrapType.) – The type of webscraping. - Default: enum.ScrapType.TEXT
optional_term (str) – The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - Default: None
label (bool) – If the search is based on a label near the element. - Default: False
main_container (str) – The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - Default: None
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
- Returns:
List of BeautifulSoup4 elements based on search parameters.
- Return type:
List of BeautifulSoup4 objects
>>> #All buttons >>> buttons = self.web_scrap(term="button", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements that contain the text "Example" >>> example_elements = self.web_scrap(term="Example") >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements with class "my_class" and text "my_text" >>> elements = self.web_scrap(term="my_text", scrap_type=ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".my_class")