- class tir.main.Poui(config_path='', autostart=True)
- AssertFalse(expected=False, script_message='')
Defines that the test case expects a False response to pass
>>> #Instantiating the class >>> inst.oHelper = Webapp() >>> #Calling the method >>> inst.oHelper.AssertFalse()
- AssertTrue(expected=True, script_message='')
Defines that the test case expects a True response to pass
>>> #Calling the method >>> inst.oHelper.AssertTrue()
- CheckResult(field=None, user_value=None, po_component='po-input', position=1)
Checks if a field has the value the user expects.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field or label of a field that must be checked.
user_value (str) – The value that the field is expected to contain.
po_component (str) – POUI component name that you want to check content on screen
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Calling method to check a value of a field: >>> oHelper.CheckResult("Código", "000001", 'po-input')
- ClickAvatar(position=1)
Click on the POUI Profile Avatar icon. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-avatar
- Parameters:
position (int) –
Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickAvatar(position=1) >>> oHelper.ClickAvatar()
- ClickButton(button='', position=1)
Clicks on the Button of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-button
- Parameters:
field – Button to be clicked.
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickButton('Cancelar') :return:
- ClickByLocator(selector='', locator=None, right_click=False)
Necessary import “By” class in the script: from tir.technologies.core.base import By
For more information check this out: https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/locating-elements.html
Use only in cases where it is not possible to use a label or name attribute. Any interface change can directly impact the script. Evaluate the possibility of changing the interface before using these methods in the script.
- Parameters:
selector (str) – The type of selector to use (e.g., ‘css’, ‘xpath’, ‘id’).
locator (str) – The locator expression to identify the element. (e.g., By.CSS_SELECTOR, By.ID)
right_click (bool) – Perform a right-click action if True (default is False).
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper_Poui.ClickByLocator(selector='.po-page-header-actions > po-button:nth-child(1) > button:nth-child(1)', locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR) :return: None
- ClickCheckBox(label)
ClickChecKBox to check or uncheck box selectors https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-checkbox
- Parameters:
label (str) – The CheckBox label
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.ClickCheckBox("Processing")
- ClickCombo(field='', value='', position=1)
Clicks on the Combo of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-combo
- Parameters:
field – Combo text title that you want to click.
value – Value that you want to select in Combo.
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickCombo('Visão', 'Compras') :return:
- ClickIcon(label='', class_name='', position=1)
Click on the POUI Icon by label, class_name or both. https://po-ui.io/guides/icons
- Parameters:
label (str) – The tooltip name for icon
class_name (str) – The POUI class name for icon
position (int) –
- Returns:
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(label='Delete') >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(class_name='po-icon po-icon-delete') >>> oHelper.ClickIcon(label='Delete', class_name='po-icon po-icon-delete')
- ClickMenu(menu_item)
Clicks on the menu-item of the POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-menu
:param menu_item:Menu item name :type menu_item: str
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickMenu("Contracts")
- ClickPopup(label)
Click on the POUI Profile Avatar icon. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-popup
- Parameters:
label (str) –
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickPopup(label="Popup Item") >>> oHelper.ClickPopup()
- ClickSelect(field='', value='', position=1)
Clicks on the Select of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-select
- Parameters:
field – Select text title that you want to click.
value – Value that you want to select in Select.
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickSelect('Espécie', 'Compra') :return:
- ClickTable(first_column=None, second_column=None, first_content=None, second_content=None, table_number=1, itens=False, click_cell=None, checkbox=False)
Clicks on the Table of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-table
- Parameters:
first_column (str) – Column name to be used as reference.
second_column (str) – Column name to be used as reference.
first_content (str) – Content of the column to be searched.
second_content (str) – Content of the column to be searched.
table_number (int) – Which grid should be used when there are multiple grids on the same screen. - Default: 1
itens (bool) – Bool parameter that click in all itens based in the field and content reference.
click_cell (str) – Content to click based on a column position to close the axis
checkbox (bool) – If you want to click on the checkbox component in the table
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickTable(first_column='Código', first_content='000003', click_cell='Editar') :return: None
- ClickWidget(title='', action='', position=1)
Clicks on the Widget or Widget action of POUI component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-widget
- Parameters:
tittle – Widget text title that you want to click.
action – The name of action to be clicked
position – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.ClickWidget(title='LEad Time SC x PC', action='Detalhes', position=1) :return:
- GetUrl(url)
Loads a web page in the current browser session. :param url: :type url: str
- InputByLocator(selector='', locator=None, value='')
Necessary import “By” class in the script: from tir.technologies.core.base import By
For more information check this out: https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/locating-elements.html
Use only in cases where it is not possible to use a label or name attribute. Any interface change can directly impact the script. Evaluate the possibility of changing the interface before using these methods in the script.
- Parameters:
selector (str) – The type of selector to use (e.g., ‘css’, ‘xpath’, ‘id’).
locator (str) – The locator expression to identify the element. (e.g., By.CSS_SELECTOR, By.ID)
value (str) – The value to be used (e.g., for input or interaction).
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper_Poui.InputByLocator(selector='[p-label="PO Select"] [class="po-field-container-content"] > select', locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value='Option 2') :return: None
- InputValue(field='', value='', position=1)
Fill the POUI input component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-input
- Parameters:
field (str) – Input text title that you want to fill
value (str) – Value that fill in input
position (int) – Position which element is located. - Default: 1
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.InputValue('Name', 'Test') :return: None
- POSearch(content='', placeholder='')
Fill the POUI Search component. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-page-dynamic-search
- Parameters:
content (str) – Content to be Search.
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.POSearch(content='Content to be Search') :return: None
- POtabs(label='')
Clicks on a Label in po-tab. https://po-ui.io/documentation/po-tabs
- Parameters:
label (str) – The tab label name
>>> # Call the method: >>> oHelper.POTabs(label='Test') :return: None
- TearDown()
Closes the webdriver and ends the test case.
>>> #Calling the method >>> inst.oHelper.TearDown()
- WaitProcessing(itens, timeout=None)
Uses WaitShow and WaitHide to Wait a Processing screen
- Parameters:
itens (str) – List of itens that will hold the wait.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.WaitProcessing("Processing")
- WaitShow(string, timeout=None, throw_error=True)
Search string that was sent and wait show the elements.
- Parameters:
itens – String that will hold the wait.
timeout (str) – Timeout that wait before return.
>>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.WaitShow("Processing")